Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Scavenger hunt

Anyone walking the streets of central Carterton would have been in danger of bumping into the youth of DropZone, who were running around town in teams of 4 or 5 with a list and a bag of stuff.

To get 18 items in a time span of 45 minutes has proven to be a mission and a half. Creativity was needed to get all the items as soon as possible, with the least amount of money spent and in an original way.

Points were given for the most original story, items collected, time spend and money spent.

Two teams shared the first place and could celebrate that with a bag of goodies for each team. This night introduced the youth of DropZone to the Carterton community and they both loved it!

Visiting the RSA, the Police, the local New World supermarket, Video Ezy and of course many Carterton residents was part of the challenge and methods used to get all the items together.

We are hoping to see all the youth back in the coming (last) two weeks of the DropZone year, with the last night (Friday the 4th of December) being a challenge night where you all challenge each other and the challenges challenge you! There will also be a barbecue and dessert provided to close off this fantastic year! You are all invited !!!


Your DropZone leaders

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