Tuesday, November 3, 2009


This Friday we learnt about a man named Joseph. He lived in the times of the Ancient Egyptians. As a boy, Joseph was very loved by his Dad, who spoiled him more than his other brothers. Because of this his brothers really hated Joseph, and did some terrible things to him.

As a result of what his brothers did Joseph ended up as a slave in Egypt. Later he was sent to prison in Egypt. His life seemed hopeless. Nothing went well for Joseph and really he had every reason to hate God, but Joseph did not hate God, but instead he loved God. He believed that God had a purpose for everything that was happening in his life.

Joseph was right. While Joseph was in prison the Pharaoh had two dreams. No one could tell him what the meaning of these dreams were, until someone remembered that Joseph was able to interpret his dream while in prison. Joseph was called for and through remarkable happenings he became the second in charge over th land of Egypt. It was his task to collect food for the next seven years, as after those seven years there was going to be seven years of famine where there would not be enough food.

During the years that nothing grew, people came from everywhere to buy food from the Egyptians, and Joseph was in charge of this. One day his brothers also came to buy food. Through these things Joseph was reunited with his family.

At times in our life we can't see any purpose for what is happening. We begin to wonder if there is really any God. But if we have a true relationship with God, we can be sure that no matter what happens to us, there is a good purpose for it.

Let's all remember the verse in the Bible that says:
"And we know that all things work together to good, to them that love God." Rom 8:28

Love from
YOur DropZone leaders.

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