Monday, September 28, 2009


Holidays now for two weeks...

TERM 4 is the 16th Oct.

Be there for the FUN POLICE NIGHT .

enjoy your holidays and keep in touch

sorry about the wrong order in these updates... Steph's fault :(

a little late....

sorry a little on the late side but these photos are now from two weeks back when we had Guest Speaker - Richard with us. We all had a FUN night together.
just a few pictures to share for now .

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Rich Fool!

This night we thought about a story Jesus tells us in the Bible.

It is a story about a rich man. This rich man only thought about his crops and what he was going to do with all his money. God calls him a fool, because he did not care about God in his life. He prepared everything to sow and grow his crop, but he did not prepare his soul to meet God. But in the night that man died and all his stuff and money had to be given away. He could not take anything with him. Only his soul.

We often do the same in our life. We take a lot of thought into what clothes we shall wear or what lunch we shall prepare to take to school. But not very often we think about preparing our soul for when we die.

We do not know when we will die, but we know that we will die for sure. It could be very far away ... or only a few years ... months ... days ... or less.

That is why it is so important to find out what our relationship status is with God.

We started with a game of netball.

Then the leaders acted out the story Jesus tells in Luke 12; The parable (story with deep meaning) of the rich fool. We thought about the reason for God calling that man a fool: his aim in his life was just to have fun and focus on himself. But God says the aim of our life should be to give glory to God and be focused on Him and on helping all other people.

The game we played after that was the well known Poison Pole.

While poison pole is focusing on getting other people 'out', the next game was totally focused on helping an old lady with shopping bags and a tray of eggs cross a busy road.

There were also some boyracers present who made it very hard for the old lady to cross the road.

The last game of the night was 'For Grabs', where every team had to get as much clothes in their 'sheds' (Hoola-hoops). There were thieves around as well as DropZone leaders, who could take stuff as well, which simulates loosing things because they break down or rust.

God also talks about thieves and rust in the Bible (Luke 12). He says that all the stuff we gather while we are alive can be taken away from us by those thieves and rust. But God talks about gathering treasures in heaven, where are no thieves or rust. Those treasures will last after we die.

Also our 'positive points system' pointed this out, as you could choose to either have a lolly right away or a tick behind your name on the board, counting toward a great reward at the end of the night ... a large chocolate bar!

Have a great break!!!

We hope to see you all back on the first friday night of the new school term, when we have a special night:

The POLICE night !!!

Be there with all your friends for your only opportunity to beat the cops (in several games and sports).

With love,

Your DropZone leaders.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Jesus Died on the Cross

Imagine you break the law; you get caught, so you will have to go to court. You go to Masterton court and there is the judge. He tells you what you have done and you know that he is right and that you will have to be punished either by going to jail or by paying a fine. Then the judge gives the sentence, “You have broken the law many times so you will have to pay $100,000.” You realize that there is no way you can ever pay this fine. Would you be pardoned of your fine if you told the judge you were going to mow the neighbor’s lawn, so that he could see you are a good person? Of course not…You need someone to pay that fine. But there is no-one. So you realise, you will have to go to jail for a long time. All of a sudden someone steps forward and says: “Judge, if this criminal wants to accept my offer, I have sufficient funds to pay his fine and I am willing to do so”.

This is the story that we shared with you on Friday evening. And we are just like that criminal, because every day we break at least one of God's rules. Each time we break God's rules we deserve to go to hell forever. Jesus was willing to die on the cross to pay for the sins of everyone that believes on Him. God accepted the payment that Jesus made and now Jesus is willing to be our personal Saviour.

If you ever have any questions about this, please ask your DropZone leaders. We love to share a good time with you, but we especially love talking to you about Jesus!! :)

Here's some photos of the fun we had this Friday ....

Marshmallow Relay

Puzzling Time

Can we drop an egg from 2 metres and not smash it??

Flip the sheet over, without anyone getting off

Jelly Bean Trade

Seeyou again this Friday

Love from
DropZone leaders.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The 10 Commandments !

On this night we learnt about God's 10 rules for our life. We started with a game of soccer, which had changing rules... And at the end the players could do whatever they wanted or thought to be good themselves. The result was a big chaos and a game that looked like rugby or wrestling, not soccer.

God's rules (the 10 commandments) give us protection in our lives (e.g. you shall not steal, murder, lie, etc.)

In the second game (straw toss) we did not give them instructions, but only the goal of the game... to get your straw as close to the line as possible, without crossing it. Everybody tried to throw or blow their straw to the line, some crossed it, some did not make it. After all the youth 'tossed' their straw, Martin walked up to the line and put the straw down on it.

The lesson here is that in life, there are some boundaries we are not allowed to cross. To be able to do that, we need to stay in control of what we are doing (not giving it a toss and see where it lands).

We did pass the parcel, from which you either had to do something embarrasing or get a hint for the location of a chocolate bar!!!

Pass it on girls!

We also tried to come up with the 10 best rules for our lives. These rules make sure that everybody lives in peace and love with each other.

This group called their rules: 'the Peace rules'.

Teenagers love drawing up their own rules!

In this game you have to find somebody with the same length of licorice as you
(just bite a piece off to make it the same length)
There was no talk as we went into groups to read from the bible what God's 10 rules ar for our life. We then connected them to their key words and their practical meaning for us.
This week we are going to try to not to sin and live according to the 10 commandments. It will be hard, but you can always ask God to help you!
Your DropZone Leaders