Monday, June 28, 2010


Welcome to Friday night's progam on Boredom ate my brain! Lots of us have trouble at times wtih getting bored .... but not at DropZone , there we always are doing some thing , having fun together, learning new things and workings together wtih our freinds. We started the night with some fun and exciting games.

Circular Tug of War Feet Ball

Foam Hairdo.... well cone we have some new hairdresser so if you ever need a new hairdo just pop down to DropZone and we will help you out!

Next was filly my pockets

and last was some frisbee bowling

We then talked why we get bored, today, there are just too many people that find themselves bored, and don’t know what to do. There is a important difference between a non-believer and a Christian regarding boredom
The main difference is, that because we know God made us, we believe he knows what's best for us and what things will hurt us. That's why there are some rules about living in the Bible, to protect us from the things that will spoil our focus on the real life purpose. Its just like some babies think their parents are mean not letting them put their hands in the fire. The baby doesn't understand why not, but a good parent still doesn't let them, for their own good. God is like a good parent. All of the things that people do "for fun" that God says no to, will add to problems and sadness that would not happen if people would do what He says and still have fun! That's what we are trying to show you at Drop Zone. God is a caring God. He wants us to enjoy ourselves, but he also wants to protect us from doing things that will end up hurting us. Can anyone think of some of the things people do for fun, that are wrong and end up causing damage to them or others?

"Hey that's right. So you can see that God's rules are really there so we can enjoy, because the time we spend in obeying him, doesn't land us in trouble! So I can tell you from experience, that the most fun you can have in life, is the fun that doesn't hurt you or others and the way to have that, is to get to know Gods rules and purpose for our lives. If you want to do that, or if you still believe God is boring, then grab one of the staff and get them to tell you more about their experiences.
have a great week and we hope to see you back for the last night of the term 2.
Luv your dropzone leaders

Monday, June 21, 2010

Movie Night

Past Friday we watched a movie, Rebound. The youth and adults enjoyed it very much. We arranged the couches in a semi-circle around a large sheet attached to the wall on which the movie was projected. We ate lots of pop-corn, pizza, pies..... and other junk food.....

Monday, June 14, 2010

Conflict with the Law

OK .... last week the leaders were dressing up crazy on the 'P' night and this week they were being arrested by the police ................ :)


Well this past Friday things started out pretty normally. We played a whole lot of fun games ....

Cops and Robbers
(in this game we had to steal things from the different hoops)

Obstacle Course
(just like criminals we had to go through a difficult obstacle to bring a secret message back to our team)

Water Fall
(for this game we had to cooperate together carefully. As we held up the bucket with our feet while one by one we all took our shoes off)

(as fast as we could we had to run to the deck that was called out. The last one there was out)

And after all that fun, we were introduced to the two Constables who had so kindly joined us for the night. Constable Dean talked about his job, and answered all the different questions we had for him about the things he sees, hears and does. Our other visitor was a dog handler.


Well we'll see you all again this coming Friday .... remember it's our POOL NIGHT. Make sure the leaders have your permission slips by Wednesday, and then remember be at DropZone by 6.30 on Friday....

See you then

Your DropZone leaders.

Monday, June 7, 2010

P night....

ON Friday night it was the P NIGHT at DropZone..................... thanks for all coming and having so much fun with us. Also well done to all of you who were so creative to get dress up . enjoy your prizes .

your leaders????

first game was the paper riping competition... patience needed here.

next was the peanut race....

and now for pass the parcel , with treats and prizes.

a piggy back ride ....

now for building a prymid with matches

Poison pole

and a pillow fight

and last was the cat walk with prizes...

we hope you all enjoyed the night.
have a GREAT week and don't forget your permission slips for the POOL NIGHT this week friday night.
Luv your DropZone leaders.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


All DropZone youth is invited to come on our youth outing on Friday the 18th of June!!!
We are going to the Genesis Recreation Centre in Masterton!!!

Make sure you come along this week to get a permission slip and hand it in next week, so you can come along!

Remember: this week is the P-party night, so dress up like something starting with a P!!!

Invasion of the body snatchers II

This night it was all about something that most of us do not like to talk about ... Death!
It is the fact of life that it is going to end one day... we are all part of the certain statistics that say that 1 out of 1 person is going to die. As we all have that happening some time in the future, we need to talk about it.

We started with a game originating from Egypt: mummy wrap. The Egyptian people were very concerned with death and dying, so they protected the bodies for the 'afterlife' they believed in by wrapping them as mummies. We used toilet paper to simulate this.

The winner looked like a real mummy!

We also played a game called Banana choke! One hand tied on the back, we had to peel and eat a banana with only our teeth and one hand!

In little groups we discussed some common questions people have about death:
  • Why do people feel creepy on graveyards?
  • most people don't want to think about death, why do you think that is?

After the discussions we played a game called dead soldiers, where we were standing dead still around the room and someone had to go around trying to make us laugh without touching us.

The last game of the night was survivor... everybody got numbered from 1 to 17 and sat in order on a row of chairs in the middle of the hall. the order had to stay the same, but when a leader called out a number, that number became the first in the row. So there was a lot of running around and counting chairs.

After the games we sat down in a circle to wrap up the night with some thoughts. They were focused around these three questions:
  1. If I know for sure that I am going to die one day, do I make most of my life? (do I spend my time on things that really matter, or do I waste the time God has given me?)
  2. If I know for sure that everyone around me is going to die one day, do I value them and tell them I do? (do I show that I love my family, care for my friends and others?)
  3. If I know that God has made us all for a purpose, do I try to find out that purpose before I die? (do I search out what God's plan is for our life? God's purpose for everybody is: "to glorify God and enjoy Him forever")