Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Geeks, Dweebs and Radical Dudes!

This night we learnt about names, why it is important to remember names and how to. How? Using RAW:
Write it down
Repeat the name, Associate it with something or something about the person e.g. Jim - gymnasium or Stacey - has nose piercing, and write it down to remember it better.

This night we also found out how fast you guys can jump through a hula-hoop as a team. The first time all the teams finished at the same time, so we ran it twice to get the best as winners!

You always love the scavenger hunts, but this time we put a little trick in it to check if you all had handed in your cellphones... a few did turn up...

There is nothing wrong with your long term memory, as we found out in the names quizzz. Names of sport stars, presidents, local people and DropZone leaders flew through the sky. But who knows what the name is of the best car brand in the world? (No, its not Ford, nor Holden, nor Lamborgini, nor Ferrari... but Toyota of course, duh)

You have no problem with inventing funny names for yourselves, but to remember the names of the whole group was a mission and a half. But of course, you can always use RAW...

We finished with talking about names used as cursewords, mostly the names of God. We heard that it is called sin to misuse the names of God. A few of Gods names are: Jesus, Christ and Almighty God. We also heard that God wants you to come to him in prayer to confess your sins, to tell Him what you did. He promises that anyone who confesses his or her sins will be forgiven of them. God also desires your heart, which means that He loves to see people living according to what He has writen in the bible, His Word (together with confessing and asking for forgiveness this is called repenting). God provided a way for sinful people to be saved from the guilt of sin and to be able to live with him after this life... Forever. His Son, Jesus Christ, lived a perfect life and was punished by having to die on the cross and receive Gods anger towards sin. So that way He paid the price, took the punishment for the sins of everybody that confesses them to God, and asks for forgiveness. Those people then are allowed to believe His promise of a relationship and life with Him for ever, rather than being punished for your own sins... forever in hell.

You are also invited to do this.

God says in the Bible: "Repent ye, and believe the Gospel." (Mark 1:15), but also: "except ye repent, ye shall all ... perish." (Luke 13:3).

If you wnat to know more about this, or you just want to let us know what you think about it, please get in contact with us. We would love to share this with you.

No photos this time , sorry, camera couldn't catch a ride.

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