Monday, June 23, 2008

Are you different?

Of course you are different. We are all different. That was what we talked about this Friday night. God created us all individually different. He did not want robots, everybody the same, but originally made us the way we are. We are all special to Him. We explained this with the help of a bunch of cups. You can drink out of all of them, they all had a handle, the all were round and they all were handy. That is just like us people. We all have a head, look human, etc. But we also have different opinions, interests and thoughts. And just because someone is different in sports for example, doesn’t mean you can write the person off. Everybody has his or her own personality, usefulness and uniqueness. We must learn to appreciate and value these differences to be able to work as a team, in living together as husband and wife and in friendships and family relations.

We also tried to show the differences in people in the sit down if game. You all seemed to feel a bit hesitant to show your differences.

You had a chance to practice your shaving skills. I would feel very uncomfortable being shaved by most of you as the balloons you had to shave did not all survive…

We all know that you love musical chairs, but sitting down on a wet sponge or a bit of shaving cream is a nasty surprise in this variation of the game.

Trading jellybeans is one of your favorites, as you get to eat them at the end of the game. We also like this game as leaders because you are nice and quiet for the talk right after the game, because your mouths are filled with jellybeans.

The purpose of our life is that we should glorify God and enjoy Him forever. With all our differences we can together or individually glorify God in our daily life. Start this by praying to God, as this is the way of talking with Him. Also read the Bible, as this is the way of God talking to us. Please, write us an e-mail or a text, or maybe ask us on a Friday night about God. We would love to explain you more about Him and give you a Bible.

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