Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Once again good to see you all and welcome to the new youth. Always neat to make new friends. The topic on Friday night was Anger and how to deal with it, how to handle our anger. But of course first come the fun and games. neat fun as normal :) hereby some photos of that...

then for some thoughts about Anger....

"One thing we all need to understand, is that anger is not wrong. In fact it's a gift from God! In the Bible it quite often talks about things that cause God to "get angry." It even talks about Jesus getting angry. Its like a protection designed to make us stand up for ourselves, or for what is right. So what's the problem with it? The problem is, that lots of people don't handle their anger correctly. Instead of using it to help them take control of their lives, they let their anger take control of them and lose their tempers, saying and doing all sorts of things that they'll regret later, or which will make them lose friends or hurt people. Heaps of times as leaders, we see you saying things to each other and doing things in anger, which do real damage to your friendships. Many of you will have parents who hurt each other with their words and bitterly regret it later. So what should our reaction to anger be? We've got 3 choices. Either:

1. Let it all come out. That often feels great at the time, but usually does damage that can take months to repair.

2. Hide it away. This means we pretend we are not angry and just bottle up all the frustration and pain. Unfortunately this just makes us more and more stressed, until we start showing our anger in other ways like depression or bad behaviour or it can even make us sick!

3. Deal with it. In the Bible there's a letter to some people called the "Ephesians," which means they lived in a place called Ephesus. Anyway the guy who wrote it had some good stuff to say about anger and how to deal with it. This is what he says:

(Chapter 4)

"When you are angry, don't sin and be sure to stop being angry

before the end of the day. (v26) Never shout angrily or say things to hurt others. Never do anything evil. Be kind and loving to each other and forgive each other, just like God forgives us through Christ (31-32)

The best way to do this is:

1. Walk away from the situation until you have cooled down a bit. If you try to "discuss" an issue while you are still furious it will almost always come out wrong and you'll regret it later.

2. Think about why you are really angry. Why do I really feel this way? Whose fault is it really?

3. Tell someone about it - either the person who made you angry, or someone you can trust who can see both sides of the story.

please remember these things.... and don't forget you can always pray to God to help you deal with your anger and how you are to react.

have a good week. Keep smiling.

Your DropZone Leaders

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