Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Record Wreckers

The aim of this night was to break or set some new records. Well the very first one we broke was the number of you youth coming! The most we've had this year. Great turn out!!

Pushing the car with Wayne in it was a lot of fun. Everyone really got into it! Great work.

In the malteser blow someone even managed to break the Guiness World Record record. Wow!!!
We wrapped up the night with the thought: Where would you rather have your name, in the Guiness World Record book or in the Book of Life? With your name in the Guiness World Record book you might be famous for a few years or your lifetime, maybe another 60 or 70 years, but with your name in the Book of Life you will be happy for the whole of the afterlife, which is forever......
Hoop Tumble, use up some extra energy.....

How many people can we fit into the back of this car? Only ten???

The winning teams push, Go Go Go

Human Wheelbarrows was a laugh....

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