Saturday, May 17, 2008

Don't Worry Be HAPPY :)

and therefore on Frid night there was lots of smiles at DZ as the theme was Don't Worry, Be Happy :) To our suprise none of you knew who the song was sang by but some of you did know the words. During one of the games you got to hear the song and so we all went home with the message don't worry be happy !
It was great to see you all again and welcome to the ones who were new. We all had a FUN night together. Cotton Ball Vacuum was great to get us all going for the night, well done to the orange team for winning that game. Did you actually win or was it just because all the other teams were dishonest?? never mind we had fun any way.

The other games included the Lolly and Body string. And it was actually that.. a string was threaded throught a clothing item of each youth and then some lollies were threaded on and it was a competition to see which team could thread their lollies through all the items of clothing the fastest.

Monster game was a good laugh and great to use some of your energy before you had to sit down and design a ad for DZ. And well done because all of you made a really neat ad so now the leaders have the hard job of choosing one and this will be displayed in the window at the front so every one knows about DZ.

and the last game to top of the night was pass the mouse trap which was a bit scary really. if the mouse trap went off while you had it or the music stop you had to get up and do a task. Like 50 star jumps, cop a flour shower, eat a raw onion. and well done to all of you who had to get up and do a task!!!

and then we had the wrap up where Martijn talked to us about Happiness and where and how do you find really happiness????? he talked about an example of a wise and very rich man called Kind Solomon , may we all seek the happiness which he had in life. That was not from having all the things we want, having good freinds and having fun but no that was becasuse he had a special relationship with God , which is the only thing which can give us true happiness.

thanks for the fun night together.

your DropZone leaders.

p.s all the best to all of you who are doing the 40 hour famine this week .

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