Monday, September 24, 2007

Conflict wtih the Law

YAHOO it is holidays.... so what are the plans for you all ?? ... love to hear from you , so keep in touch wtih us about what you get up too.. email or txt us.
Well on Friday night we walked into DropZone to find WANTED posters around the walls...???? why?? well the topic of the night was CONFLICT WITH THE LAW. We started by playing some neat games like robbers where we had to rob objects from each other's team. well done to Martin's team because they sure were the best... well i think we better get the Police in to deal with those robbers!
While we were having fun doing different games in walked Pete the local Policeman. Pete was given a nice welcome by every one and then we sat down to listen to some of his stories. It was all very interesting what he had to say. He started by asking what we thougth Police did ?? Well Madeline thinks they sit around in the office all day and eating donuts!!!!! :) Pete really did not agree!!! Pete then shared his life story about how when he was a youth he had to make the right decisions to say on the right side of the law. He talked about what he does for his job , protect and save people's lives. It was very interesting with all you youth having lots of questions. Just don't forget that you too need to make these decisions... so make good ones and stay on the right side of the law. It is there for your own good. Don't forget to say HI to Pete next time you see him around town.
Thank you very much for your time Pete. and it is a real pity because we did not get a photo of him with us...

enjoy your holidays guys and don't forget that we have dropzone in the holidays too. Be there this friday for a FUN NIGHT!!!

Your DropZone Leaders!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Funny Money

Friday night was all about money and how we should handle it.

You guys had fun in your teams (McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Cadbury & Tip Top) competing for money all night in various games. Martin S set up a real cool obstacle course like you had to break into a “bank” and see how much money you had to steal.

Logan, Bianca and Nicole really got stuck in … good on ya, looks like fun with all that flour over your face!!!!

Then some of you had to see how many marshmallows you could fit into your month while saying “Funny Money”. What a good laugh that was. Well done John for managing to get 14 marshmallows in your mouth at once!!! The rest of us enjoyed eating marshmallows while watching you.

As a way to safe keep your money (team points) you had to race to the banker to record how much money you had as a team. thanks to Harold for being such a great banker ....

You guys came up with some real cool ideas on how you should spend your money and how you NOT waste your money. These lists will be hanging up a Drop Zone this week Friday, so come along to check them out.
Can't wait to see you all again on Friday to talk about conflict with the law. If you have any questions for the police, this will be your opportunity ............ a real live policeman will be there to answer them for you ..... :)
Love from your Drop Zone leaders

Monday, September 17, 2007


HAPPY BIRTHDAY Martin S .... Hope you had a great day on Sunday:)

we will have to sing to you on Friday..

Best Wishes from Everyone at DropZone!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Starvation Solution

Wow, you guys set a new record -- 25 of you all on the same night!! It was great, and a huge welcome to those of you that came for the first time!! :) We hope you had a tonne of fun and come again.

Well this week we learnt that New Zealand is a pretty good place to live - but just in case one day we have to to live in a third world country we practiced conserving water, and grabbing rice for our family, and trading food (jelly beans).

We also discovered that being a poor person is not very easy, especially when the rich people are eating the yummy food right in front of us ...... and the richies didn't want to share even though there was plenty of begging .......

So let's remember the millions of people that are not as well off as we are, and give in any way that might help them, whenever we can.
Well, we'll see you again on Friday to learn about how funny money can be ....
Thinking of you
The Drop Zone Team

Monday, September 3, 2007

The FUN Night!

and FUN it was !!! Friday night was a FUN night at dropzone to celebrate half way through the term. We got strait into the evening's program of some fun games... ones we have done before and just loved by all, like the balloon popping, running through the tyre tube and blowing a bubble with the gum. After lots of laughs and running around we got into groups of girls and guys. The guys had some challenges for the night and us girls designed some T-Shirts for the guy dropzone leaders... Wayne, Martijn & Martin. Thanks girls, the T-Shirts look great :) ... hope you guys think so too because you have to wear them!!!! From the sounds the guys had fun too, but may have to ask Wayne or Martijn what you did because I ( Steph) was with the girls so i'm not too sure what happened. At 8.30 we all got back together again and enjoyed some yum food and hanged out together for the rest of the night.

Thanks for the fun every one and it was neat to meet some of your new freinds. Welcome to DropZone and Logan & Bianca we hope you had a neat birthday last sunday.

keep in touch and see you on friday ...

your dropzone leaders.

Saturday, September 1, 2007


Seeing who can get the most people throught the tyre. Go girls....

the boys got a record of some thing like 80 ???

Just having fun!!!