Monday, September 10, 2007

Starvation Solution

Wow, you guys set a new record -- 25 of you all on the same night!! It was great, and a huge welcome to those of you that came for the first time!! :) We hope you had a tonne of fun and come again.

Well this week we learnt that New Zealand is a pretty good place to live - but just in case one day we have to to live in a third world country we practiced conserving water, and grabbing rice for our family, and trading food (jelly beans).

We also discovered that being a poor person is not very easy, especially when the rich people are eating the yummy food right in front of us ...... and the richies didn't want to share even though there was plenty of begging .......

So let's remember the millions of people that are not as well off as we are, and give in any way that might help them, whenever we can.
Well, we'll see you again on Friday to learn about how funny money can be ....
Thinking of you
The Drop Zone Team

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi every one at DropZone we missed you all on Frid night but hay it sounds like you had fun!! great stuff:) Well done for having 25 of you there!!
thinking of you all... have a GREAT week at school and hear your stories on friday night!
luv, Martijn & Steph Poppe