Saturday, October 13, 2007

Who is God?

Hello to you all again. and how is your week going? Well here is a report about Friday Night......

Well at 7:07 the room was packed with you all because you set a record and there was 28 of you there. Wow, every one must be loving Drop Zone so you are bringing more friends to have fun too. Good Stuff.

On Friday night our topic for the night was exploring Who God was ?
First we played some neat team games together... jelly beans in the snow ( you all just love your leaders for using flour!!!) one leg challenge, oh forgot to say how we got into teams at the beginning of the night. We were all given an animal card and had to act out the noise to find the rest of our team. And there was one poor Donkey make LOTS of noise but he seems to have lost his mates!!! Well Done Hamish! So for the rest of the night we stayed in the same teams which was good.

After lots of fun Wayne presented us with a presentation about Who God is and making us thinking about how great God is that he has created the huge universe with the sun,planets and our little earth. Only God is able to do that, and compared to God's greatness and power what are we little human beings?

Thanks for having fun together, and please remember out golden rules of DropZone; Don't talk when others are talking and respect each other becasue that way every one can have a fun time together at DropZone.

Have a good week... .keep in touch and see you next week .

and hope you thinking of some super great ideas for the Christmas Float! :)

Your DropZone Leader.

The Jelly Bean game... getting jelly beans out of the snow ( flour... gross!!!)

taste good????

Go for it... you have already done it once and it was not THAT bad!!!!

Love the new make-up .......... flour!!! :)

quick quick get the jelly bean in your mouth!

Looking good !

A group of the girls working with Karin.... discussing Who really is God?

Angel blowing up her balloon.

1 , 2 , 3 every one blow them up ...

right now we need to walk to where that balloon landed....

Emily, the winner of our one leg challenge. Well Done :)

Don't Move!

Looks good girls!!!

O.k time to make a paper ball now

Well done there guys... team work ! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey dropzones!

nice to see your website and all the activities that are going on!
Funny pictures :-).

Greetings from Harmen & Martine