on friday 4th dec we had our last D.Z night of the year. fun fun and yum yum. we started at 6pm and had a b.q dinner first....yumyum. thanks for helping cook on the b.q girls. then we had fun doing lots of different challenges.. such as who could blow a balloon the fastest till it poped, shooting 10 shoots, holding a water bottle, pin the hippos tail and liots more fun. check out the pictures. 
thanks to every one who has come to D.Z this year. we hope you have had fun, it has been grwat getting to know each one of you and we alsao really hope and pray that you may have learnt some thing about God and the Bible. we look forward to seeing you again in 2010 and till then have a great summer holiday and don't forget the real reason on the Christmas Season, remember those of you who have Bibles you can read the Christmas story in Luke 2 and you can always pray to God.
with Love,
Your DropZone Leaders.
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