Imagine you break the law; you get caught, so you will have to go to court. You go to Masterton court and there is the judge. He tells you what you have done and you know that he is right and that you will have to be punished either by going to jail or by paying a fine. Then the judge gives the sentence, “You have broken the law many times so you will have to pay $100,000.” You realize that there is no way you can ever pay this fine. Would you be pardoned of your fine if you told the judge you were going to mow the neighbor’s lawn, so that he could see you are a good person? Of course not…You need someone to pay that fine. But there is no-one. So you realise, you will have to go to jail for a long time. All of a sudden someone steps forward and says: “Judge, if this criminal wants to accept my offer, I have sufficient funds to pay his fine and I am willing to do so”.
This is the story that we shared with you on Friday evening. And we are just like that criminal, because every day we break at least one of God's rules. Each time we break God's rules we deserve to go to hell forever. Jesus was willing to die on the cross to pay for the sins of everyone that believes on Him. God accepted the payment that Jesus made and now Jesus is willing to be our personal Saviour.
If you ever have any questions about this, please ask your DropZone leaders. We love to share a good time with you, but we especially love talking to you about Jesus!! :)
Here's some photos of the fun we had this Friday ....

Seeyou again this Friday
Love from
DropZone leaders.
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