Put downs or insults can be very hurtful to the person receiving them. After reading a story about a boy who received a lot of put downs from his class mates, we talked together about how to deal with put downs. If the insults are directed at us it is best not to react - often the people giving them out do it only to get your negative reaction. But if it is something that has really hurt you it's a good idea to talk about it to someone that you trust.
If you hear a put down about someone else, it could be that it is a false rumour. It is a good idea to go and talk to the person that the rumour is about and find out the truth. If you hear others throwing insults to someone it would be great if you stick up for that person, at the very least don't join in.
We ended the DZ evening by telling another story about a person who suffered a lot of insults. The Lord Jesus came to this earth to save sinners, but by the end of His life He was hated by the rulers of His land. They captured him and mocked Him in horrible ways, ending up by hanging Him on the cross to die. Jesus did not get angry with those that insulted Him, but He prayed that God would forgive them. Not only is this a good example of how to deal with insults but this weekend when we celebrate Easter we can remember that the reason that Jesus died on the cross was so that we can have a relationship with God. Having a relationship with God is the best relationship that we can ever have.
We hope that you all have a fantastic Easter time, and great holidays. We'll see you all again at the beginning of term 2.
Love from your
DropZone leaders
Here's some photos of the games we played on Friday:
Balloon Destroyer

Obstacle Course .... thru the tyre....

..... and over the bench

The Gossip Game

Our 'Door Mat' Discussion Groups

Circular Tug of War

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