We started out by having some fun. We first played Mummy Wrap .... well done to the blue team who managed to get the most toilet paper on their 'mummy' in the time limit.
Next was .... Banana Choke ..... how fast can we peel and eat a banana only with our left hand.
What are we looking for???
We then split into little groups to discuss some questions about dying. Some of the things that we discussed in our small groups were: Why do young people die sometimes? Why do we not like thinking about death? Is it easier to die when you are old? What is going to happen after we die?
Next we played a fun game of crab soccer .....
We ended the evening with Wayne asking some questions for us all to think about
.... if it is true that everyone has to die how are we valuing all the people that are around us?
.....if it is true that we are going to die one day what is going to happen after death?
.... if it is true that heaven and hell exist where am I going to go when I die?
.... if it is true that only those that have a relationship with God go to heaven, is it important for
me to have this relationship?
Please continue to think about these questions as they are probably the most important questions you can ever ask yourself.
As DropZone leaders we really care for you and what will happen to you after you die .... so if you have any more questions that you want to ask us please don't hesitate. It is sometimes a bit tricky to ask us at DropZone so feel free to pop us an email instead. Our email is dropzoneteam@hotmail.com.
We'll be waiting to hear from you.
Love you all
Your DZ leaders
P.S Remember NO DropZone this Friday --- we're all taking a holiday, but we'll see you again on the second Friday of the holidays. Have a great holiday!!!!
Awwww..ii wanted 2 cum..but i had my appendix taken out that day at 12.00pm...SAD!!
well ii wiish ii culd of come..AND GUESS WHAT!
NOW 14!!
love u
Thanks for the comment Kylie.
We missed you not being there either!!
Happy Birthday too!
Hopefully see you next term and you feel better soon :)
Dropzone Team
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