Monday, September 29, 2008
We started out by having some fun. We first played Mummy Wrap .... well done to the blue team who managed to get the most toilet paper on their 'mummy' in the time limit.
Next was .... Banana Choke ..... how fast can we peel and eat a banana only with our left hand.
What are we looking for???
We then split into little groups to discuss some questions about dying. Some of the things that we discussed in our small groups were: Why do young people die sometimes? Why do we not like thinking about death? Is it easier to die when you are old? What is going to happen after we die?
Next we played a fun game of crab soccer .....
We ended the evening with Wayne asking some questions for us all to think about
.... if it is true that everyone has to die how are we valuing all the people that are around us?
.....if it is true that we are going to die one day what is going to happen after death?
.... if it is true that heaven and hell exist where am I going to go when I die?
.... if it is true that only those that have a relationship with God go to heaven, is it important for
me to have this relationship?
Please continue to think about these questions as they are probably the most important questions you can ever ask yourself.
As DropZone leaders we really care for you and what will happen to you after you die .... so if you have any more questions that you want to ask us please don't hesitate. It is sometimes a bit tricky to ask us at DropZone so feel free to pop us an email instead. Our email is
We'll be waiting to hear from you.
Love you all
Your DZ leaders
P.S Remember NO DropZone this Friday --- we're all taking a holiday, but we'll see you again on the second Friday of the holidays. Have a great holiday!!!!
Thursday, September 25, 2008
"In here I have put all the parts that go to make up a watch. If they were all put together correctly it would go. Now, if I stood here shaking it like this, do you ever think it would put itself together and make a watch that goes? Of course not. But even if it did, it would still only be a machine. What do you think the chances are of it ever putting itself together and becoming alive, like Number 5 off Short circuit? Sounds absolutely crazy doesn't it? Now think of how much more complicated the human body is. Look at all the things you can do. You're a far more advanced machine than any watch and you're alive! What amazes me is that every one of us knows it's crazy to think this watch could put itself together by accident and no-one except__ a looney ever thinks it could come to life. But that's exactly how lots of people believe human life came, just by a bunch of chemicals floating around and then falling together by accident, to make you. That's what they'll teach you at school as the theory of evolution! When you think of that baby in the womb, growing, it seems even more crazy to call that an accident, than this watch coming together by accident. And yet if you say there is no God, that's the only explanation you can have for life! I know there's a watch maker, because something this clever could not have fallen together. Just the same, I know there's a God because something as brilliant as life just couldn't have fallen together!
Knowing that we were designed, with a purpose, gives the whole of our life a meaning and a purpose. I think it makes a lot more sense than saying we are accidents. It makes your whole life worth living. If God made us and everything around us, he has planned everything about our lives before we were even born, and he knows the best things for us.I know I'm much happier living how God wants, than I would beif I thought I was just a meaningless accident. Next timesomeone tells you that there is no God, think of the watch andremind yourself that if someone had to design that, someone hadto design you also. Remember there's only one way to get toknow God, by believing His son Jesus paid for all the things youhave done wrong when he died on the cross and that he cameback to life again to forgive us, if we put our whole life in hishands and choose to follow him, our designer!!
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Competition Night with the POLICE
These are some of the games that we competed against each other for.
We had to look for the jelly bean in the snow (cream) with just our mouth.....
We had to push the ping pong across the hall using a straw.
We had to hunt in the newspaper for answers.
We had a lot of fun. Thanks Constable Chopper, Constable Kealy and Constable Mo for joining in the fun. We look forward to doing this type of thing again with you!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
How to react when your world falls apart III
This night was focussed on getting on with life after a something has majorly impacted your life using the steps we talked about in the two past nights: keep in touch with friends who can help you, pick up the positive pieces of your life and make a plan to get on with life. So this step helps you to actually DO get on with life.
The games took very long this evening since the youth present were very busy catching up with each other during the explaination of the games. The games were very muchly enjoyed, specially the mad relay and the blanket steal.
We talked in little groups about ways to get on with life and how the help others that are in trouble, stuck in a depressed state and not able to get out by themselves. Of course God is the ultimate help for us in any situation.
You were very excited about the police coming in next week for the POLICE challenge night... Make sure to be well prepared to stand up to the police legally.
Enjoy your week and don't forget to talk with God about your life.
Monday, September 1, 2008
How to React When Your World Falls Apart II
Last week we started looking at how to react when your world falls apart. We discussed that when something terrible happens in our life the first thing that we need to do is to keep in touch with someone (a friend or a family member). We also decided that most important person to keep in touch (talk to) is God.
This week we continued along this theme with talking about how to pick up the pieces and make a plan. But before we started talking about this heavy stuff, we played a few lighthearted games....
Our first game was a coordination challenge .... where we had to cross our arms over, peel a mandarin and feed it to our partner!!! ...... fun .... & ..... sticky
Next we tried to see how many we could fit into a cube that was 1m x 1m..........
We'll have to see if we can break the record next week!!
In this game we had a wacky relay race where we had to blow the ping pong ball across the hall towards each other...... we now know that ping pong balls don't always blow straight ahead.
After these few games we split into groups to discuss different crises situations. We discussed how the people in each situation could pick up the pieces (picking out the positive things that are left) and make a plan (using the positive things to continue living).
Thanks to you that shared about the times when it felt like your world was falling apart and how you dealt with it. We truelly hope that no one will have to use what we practiced tonight, but we also know that most of you will probably will have to some time in your life......
And when that time comes remember that the best friend that you can have is God, because even though He allows these things to happen even to people who love Him, He has promised that everything that happens to them that love Him will be for their good.
Looking forward to seeing you all again on Friday
Your DZ Leaders
P.S WELL DONE TO THE GIRLS FOR BEATING THE GUYS RECORD IN 'MOVE ROUND THE WORLD' ..... we'll have to give it ago again soon to give the guys the chance to win the record back!!