We discussed our experiences with bullies and how we handeled that in small groups.
We wrapped it up with some great recomendations how to handle bullies. They are:
1. Feel sorry for them and let them know it. Show them that you are willing to be their friend if they treat you better. 2. Stand up to them. when they are abusing you, show them that you're not affected by what they do and that you're not going to run off and hide like they want you to. 3. Form groups to stand up to the bullies. Recognise that a bully will pick on one person one week and another the next.
Most people will feel very intimidated by the bullies and because of that are not able to stand up to them. That is why you are always allowed to ask God for help; to give you courage or to stop the bully. This is another reason why it is so important to have a relationship with God. Most people believe in God, but what they believe about Him differs. The bible tells us a lot about God. One of the important things you can read in the bible is that there is not only a heaven, but also a hell. We dont like to think about that, but if you have not confessed your sins to God and asked for forgiveness, then you will go to hell when you die. That is a very serious thought. God calls everybody to repent and believe. Talking to God is praying. you can pray everywhere and always. God is never too busy to listen to you. He might not answer straight away, but He promises that he will. You can always contact us with questions about faith and religion. We also have bibles for people who want them.
Next week we have a topic about what to do when things dont go the way they are planned.
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