On Friday we had a special guest speaker. He introduced himself as someone who was a fisherman and a shepherd, yet he never touches fish or sheep. He was a minister….
Last week a few of us talked about some things that we want 10 years from now. One of the most important things to want for 10 years time is to have a good relationship with God, This is what our guest speaker spoke about.
Remember the flopped bread. It failed because the ingredients weren’t right. When we have a relationship with God we also need to have the right ingredients. Here is the list ….
- Water = knowledge. We learn about God by reading the Bible, attending church, and talking to others about Him.
- Salt = respect. We respect God when we talk respectfully about Him, especially when we use His Name.
- Sugar = loyalty. God is always loyal to us, He never lets us down and we need to return that same type of commitment to Him.
- Oil = communication. We need to communicate with God through praying to Him. The most important thing that we need to talk to God about is the things that we have done wrong. God is ready to forgive people that ask Him for forgiveness, but we need to ask Him first.
- Yeast = serving. When we serve God we have to be ready to give up everything for Him, and by showing others that God is important to us.
- Heat = spending time. No bread can cook without heat, and no relationship can grow without spending time with the other person. That’s the same with God, we should try to spend time praying, reading the Bible, going to church, and learning more about God.
Wow ---- that is a lot to remember for one evening. We really hope that you can take some of it on board and practice it in your life …
God bless you all
Your DropZone leaders.