Yeah, what about it... Well, Praying is talking to God. Do you pray?
Talking is essential in a relationship, no communication is no relationship... The same counts for a relationship with God.
We played the game Barnyard to show communication is very important. In this game you are only allowed to make the sound of the animal on your card in order to form groups. ... uhm there was only one person in the donkey group...
With Grab It only communication via the hands was allowed to let the person at the end know if head or tail was tossed.
How do you get four groups of youth on sinking islands? Play Pile Up!
We also did some thinking.. What type of things can you pray about? Basically anything...
But the most important ones can be categorised in 5 groups:
Praising God - for who He is
Thanking God - for what He has done and is doing
Confessing - your sins to God
Asking - for forgiveness and for daily needs
Others - are important too to pray for
Everybody feels it is neccessary to pray for Family, Food, Love and God. These are the most important things in life! Hopefully you realise that a life without God is hopeless.
It was quite hard not to fall over top of each other in the caterpillar walk game!
The Jelly bean trade is always welcome, because you get to eat them at the end...
Remember to start your prayer with addressing God and closing with 'Amen', which means that you believe that God will surely hear and answer the prayer.
If you have any questions relation to this topic or other topics, please do not hasitate to send an e-mail with your questions to us.