and FUN it was !!! Friday night was a FUN night at dropzone to celebrate half way through the term. We got strait into the evening's program of some fun games... ones we have done before and just loved by all, like the balloon popping, running through the tyre tube and blowing a bubble with the gum. After lots of laughs and running around we got into groups of girls and guys. The guys had some challenges for the night and us girls designed some T-Shirts for the guy dropzone leaders... Wayne, Martijn & Martin. Thanks girls, the T-Shirts look great :) ... hope you guys think so too because you have to wear them!!!! From the sounds the guys had fun too, but may have to ask Wayne or Martijn what you did because I ( Steph) was with the girls so i'm not too sure what happened. At 8.30 we all got back together again and enjoyed some yum food and hanged out together for the rest of the night.
Thanks for the fun every one and it was neat to meet some of your new freinds. Welcome to DropZone and Logan & Bianca we hope you had a neat birthday last sunday.
keep in touch and see you on friday ...
your dropzone leaders.
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