YAHOO it is holidays.... so what are the plans for you all ?? ... love to hear from you , so keep in touch wtih us about what you get up too.. email dropzoneteam@hotmail.com or txt us.
Well on Friday night we walked into DropZone to find WANTED posters around the walls...???? why?? well the topic of the night was CONFLICT WITH THE LAW. We started by playing some neat games like robbers where we had to rob objects from each other's team. well done to Martin's team because they sure were the best... well i think we better get the Police in to deal with those robbers!
While we were having fun doing different games in walked Pete the local Policeman. Pete was given a nice welcome by every one and then we sat down to listen to some of his stories. It was all very interesting what he had to say. He started by asking what we thougth Police did ?? Well Madeline thinks they sit around in the office all day and eating donuts!!!!! :) Pete really did not agree!!! Pete then shared his life story about how when he was a youth he had to make the right decisions to say on the right side of the law. He talked about what he does for his job , protect and save people's lives. It was very interesting with all you youth having lots of questions. Just don't forget that you too need to make these decisions... so make good ones and stay on the right side of the law. It is there for your own good. Don't forget to say HI to Pete next time you see him around town.
Thank you very much for your time Pete. and it is a real pity because we did not get a photo of him with us...
enjoy your holidays guys and don't forget that we have dropzone in the holidays too. Be there this friday for a FUN NIGHT!!!
Your DropZone Leaders!