Welcome to TERM FOUR at DropZone... and at a new place! Due to the new Carterton Community Centre we had to move out of the old building and so now DropZone is at the Carterton Baptist Church Hall. So it was GREAT to see you all again and so happy that you did not get lost! :)
Friday night's program was BACK TO THE FUTURE....
Games included.... Touch Riot

Fridge Box Relay

Balloon Squirt

Grab Grub Relay
We've had an interesting time on Friday imagining what it might be like in the future. Some of us have got some really great things we want to do. Unfortunately we nearly all know someone who once thought their life was going to be great, but have turned out with really bad problems. We all know that whatever your plans are now, some of you are likely to end up getting divorced, being hooked on drugs, or having some other miserable thing happen to you that doesn't need to. Most of you will be sitting there thinking, "not me, I'm not going to mess up my life!" Nobody plans to have a miserable future. The important thing is this. When you think about what you want to be in 5, 8 or 10 years time, you need to remember you are starting to become that person right now! What you are doing now and the decisions you make in the next few years at school and in your personal lives, are going to decide what sort of person you become later on. Scary huh? But it's also exciting, because in every decision and choice you make in the next few years, you can use your plans for the future to help you decide what to do. For example if one of your dreams is to be happily married, then all the decisions you make about how you treat the people you go out with, will be affected, and you'll listen to advice from people with happy marriages. If one of your dreams is to have a great job, then you will make decisions not to wag school, and to do your homework. If you want to grow up to be a drug addict and waste away your life living in the gutter, then you will give in to the people who offer you cigarettes and other drugs at school. If you want to be healthy and have enough money, you will be strong and say no! See how it works?
The decisions you make now will help decide whether you have the things you list under your "good" future, or under your "bad° future. Heaps of the things people suffer for through life, are a result of bad decisions in their teenage years, not bad luck. But there are some things in our future which we will not have control over. For many of us these are the things we fear the most. When we think about these things its neat to know that there is someone who can control everything about our future and that's God, if we let him. This is what he says in the Bible: " Don't worry and say what will we eat or what will we drink or what will we wear? All the people who don't know God keep trying to get these things. And your Father in heaven knows that you need them. The thing that you should want most, is God's kingdom and doing what Gods wants. Then all these other things you need will be given to you. So don't worry about tomorrow." (Matthew 6:31-34 EB)
If you really want peace about your future, even about the things you can't change, you can get that by handing your life over to God and His son Jesus Christ. I've done that and really found that his promise to look after all my needs has been true in my own life. If you get to know God, the question "what's going to happen to me in the future?" will never be quite so frightening.
Now for the Challenge...... Let's see who can leave the first COMMENT...... leave a COMMENT telling us ..... WHAT IS THE BEST NEW GAME IN THE NEW DZ HALL ?????? ?????? WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO DO WITH THIS GAME??????
FIRST LEAVE A COMMENT.... please leave your NAME... get's a PRIZE at DropZone on Friday night... be in first....... your leaders will be check ....
have a GOOD week
Love your DropZone Leaders...