Monday, May 24, 2010
Starvation Solution
In our first game we had to collect rice (gravel) from a centre station and run it back to our family (team). The only instrument that we had to collect the rice was a spoon.
Water is the second essential that a lot of people in the world struggle to have. In our second game we had to collect water for our family. This time the water had to be passed down our line in small cups. The winning team was the team with the most water in the bucket by the end of the time.
During the evening we also took the time to look at the clothes that we wear. We thought about the price for each article of clothing we wear. After adding it up it took us by surprise that a lot of us wear up to $150 in just one day!!! That amount of money can feed a family for a week, in some parts of the world!!!!
The aim of our next game was to collect and keep as many articles of clothing that we could for our f
And finally we ended with a yummy supper. Well........ a yummy supper for some of us. We were all split into different countries. The two people that were blessed enough to be born into a rich country had a yummy supper of muffins, chippies, chocolate, fizzy drink, they were served by professional waiters. The few of us that were born into a country of average wealth enjoyed a chocolate biscuit and juice and were able to sit on a chair by the table, but most of us were unfortunate enough to be born in a poor country. We were given no chairs to sit on, and had only water and a cracker to eat.
Hopefully all of us had the opportunity to think of others in less wealthy countries sometime during the evening. Only by thinking of the plight of others can we really appreciate what we have been blessed with in New Zealand.
Well we'll be looking forward to seeing you all again this coming Friday
Your DropZone leaders
Lost and Found
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Thanks for coming to DropZone on frid night and it was great to meet some new people... welcome welcome and we hope you ENJOYED the night and also learnt lots. On friday night the program was all about LIFE... we are all alive right?? yes , but why ? how?
Well lets see what we did....
sorry will just have to tell you today because Steph did some thing wrong with the new camera and lost all the photos... sorry sorry :(
now for the games.
The Hospital race... having to race to the hospital as Mum is going to have a baby ... ( i'm thankfull i was not the mum on that sack!!!!!!!!!!) a good laugh watching as you pulled each other around on a sack.
Toss Ball was a great fun and well done to all the girls in the GREEN team, you must have good strong long arms.
Nappy race ... do we need to say more?? wish we had the photos of you all wearing a nappy and a bib!!! :)
Body Sculpture... seeing how creative you could get with your team mates to create different objects eg. a car. some of you have very creative ideas... well done.
Now for some quiet time , we sat down and watched a video which showed us images of babies in the womb. WOW just amazing to see a little 10 week baby jumping in the womb. WOW . every one was speechless to see these images. Martijn then challenged us to think about LIFE, who created this ??
then a few more games before the wrap up.... all about babies!! so much fun. :)
Next was the wrap up of the night with Martijn showing us a watch ... no a broken watch... "In here I have put all the parts that go to make up a watch. If they were all put together correctly it would go. Now, if I stood here shaking it like this, do you ever think it would put itself together and make a watch that goes? Of course not. But even if it did, it would still only be a machine. What do you think the chances are of it ever putting itself together and becoming alive? Sounds absolutely crazy doesn't it? Now think of how much more complicated the human body is. Look at all the things you can do. You're a far more advanced machine than any watch and you're alive! What amazes me is that every one of us knows it's crazy to think this watch could put itself together by accident and no-one except__ a looney ever thinks it could come to life. But that's exactly how lots of people believe human life came, just by a bunch of chemicals floating around and then falling together by accident, to make you. That's what they'll teach you at school as the theory of evolution! When you think of that baby in the womb, growing, it seems even more crazy to call that an accident, than this watch coming together by accident. And yet if you say there is no God, that's the only explanation you can have for life! I know there's a watch maker, because something this clever could not have fallen together. Just the same, I know there's a God because something as brilliant as life just couldn't have fallen together!
Knowing that we were designed, with a purpose, gives the whole of our life a meaning and a purpose. Here's what a guy in the Bible has to say about it. "God. You made my whole being. You formed me in my mother's body. I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. What you have done is wonderful. I know this very well. You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother's body. When I was put together there, you saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old!" (Psalm 139:13-16 ) That's what I believe is true. I think it makes a lot more sense than saying we are accidents. It makes your whole life worth living. If God made us and everything around us, he has planned everything about our lives before we were even born, and he knows the best things for us. I know I'm much happier living how God wants, than I would beif I thought I was just a meaningless accident. Next timesomeone tells you that there is no God, think of the watch andremind yourself that if someone had to design that, someone hadto design you also. Remember there's only one way to get toknow God, by believing His son Jesus paid for all the things youhave done wrong when he died on the cross and that he cameback to life again to forgive us, if we put our whole life in his hands and choose to follow him, our designer.
this all lead to much thinking and many questions.... how do you know? what about the days of creation? was there really a flood? what happend to the dinasours? wow the questions did not stop... thanks for the questions youth and keep them coming. keep thinking and remember to pray. Remember you can always ask any of your DropZone leaders questions .
look forward to see you all again on friday night and this time it is about the 40 hour famine.
have a GREAT week.
Luv your DropZone leaders
Monday, May 10, 2010
Funny Money
Last Friday night we thought about something all people love to have lots of … money. We started of the night with a game of hockey, which was won by the boys team with 2-0.
When we were all exhausted from the hockey, we sat down and watched some of the leaders act out a play called: The rich man and Lazarus. It goes as follows:
“There was a rich man. There was also a poor, sick beggar named Lazarus, who laid next to the front door of the rich man. Lazarus would love to eat just some crumbs which fell off the table of the rich man, but he did not get anything. Some dogs would come around and lick his sores, which relieved the pain a bit for Lazarus. After a while, Lazarus died. A short time later, the rich man died as well.”
Still thinking how unfair the rich man was toward that poor Lazarus, we played a game in which we had the opportunity to help others. Two blind people want to cross a busy road with their arms full of groceries; who will help them? In this relay, the youth has to watch out for the cars (skateboards) which drive up and down the road.
Then there was time for some surprises. Richard brought in some nice looking Christmas presents and gave everybody some cards. We all sat in a circle around the presents and Richard started calling out the cards one by one. You could then grab either a present from the middle or take it from someone who had a present already. A big surprise came for the person with the largest and heaviest present that when that was unwrapped, it contained a little chocolate bar and lots of rocks!
This night we learned about how easily greed gets hold of us. It is easy to say that the rich man was selfish, but with the surprises game it was clear that we all would love to have the largest present for ourselves. We read the story that Jesus told from the Bible: The rich man and Lazarus. It was important to know that after Lazarus died, he went to heaven, but the rich man went to hell. This teaches us that we can have everything we wish for in life, but if we are missing a saving relationship with Jesus Christ, we will have nothing after we die, because we cannot take anything with us when we die other than our soul.
Monday, May 3, 2010
God, Others and I
The Bible tells us God made every one of us with our individual differences because he has different things for us to do. And he knows us perfectly - it says he even knows how many hairs are on our heads!!
Wow that's lots to think about.... here's some photos of the fun that we had ...
Twister with a Twist (instead of finding the colours on the mat we had to find them on our team members.)
Shoe Box Relay
Newspaper Scavenger Hunt (who's going to get there first?)
Group Work (designing a business where we all had a special task, according to our unique talents).
A new type of dancing (?)
Thanks again everyone for such a fun evening. Can't wait to see you all again this Friday.
Luv from
your DropZone leaders