yes yes it is a little bit late... sorry sorry we totally forgot about having our DropZone Easter Night in Term One, and we just did not want you to miss out on those easter eggs!! No more important we wanted to share the true easter story with you . On firday night we started at one end of the table and asked What Easter was about , the first response was EGGS but by the time we had got to the end of the table we had some better ideas... Jesus Christ, the Cross, Died, He is risen!

The Staple
He next removed the staple and told us that this tea bag was pierced and has holes from a staple. Jesus was not pierced with a staple but with nails and a spear. His body was attached to a cross.
The Tea
Martijn now opened the tea bag and put the contents into some boiling water.... the team mad . ethe water change colour Tea looks like dirt. If you put it in water the water will be changed to the color of the tea. It will no longer be clear and pure.
As you shine for Jesus you shall become closer to God in your Christian walk, and one day your soul shall join him for eternal life. Just as Christ was resurrected and went to be with the Father, we will also rise up to be with him. We will be exalted and raised with him. 
WEll lets see what we did on friday night...
First game of the night was BACK SNATCHING where the aim of the game was to write as many names down as you could while not letting the others see what was on your back.

Next was the ABC SCAVENGER HUNT and well done to the Yellow group because they were just so creative!!
Then in for some food... The CREAM COUNTRY SIDE RACE , this was race to see which team could get all these eggs out of the cream the fastest... yum yum yum !! the Chocolate Cream was good every one said !!:) 

Next was a EGG AND SPOON RACE ... easy for some and hard for others...
And then for the PUT THE TAIL ON THE BUNNY and EGG BOWLING ....
During the evening we worked in teams and kept the score and WELL DONE to the BLUE team because they were the winners wtih 25points!! Great work guys! :)
and now it was time to sit down on the couch and let the chocolate go down while Martijn shared a story about Easter. He used a story about a Tea Bag.... interesting .... let's explain...
The Label
He removed the tag/label and explained that the label identifies the tea. Jesus was labeled with many tags. He was called Christ, Messiah, teacher, Savior, the King of Kings, the man from Galilee, the carpenter, the Son of God, Redeemer, friend of sinners, good shepherd, Great Physician, King of the Jews and many more. At the cross, he had a sign placed over his head as "King of the Jews." Jesus was in the very nature God, but he wasn't concerned with titles. He did not consider equality with God something to be grasped. Instead he took the nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. He emptied himself made himself nothing.
The String
Then He removed the string and explained thatwe often become attached to things here on earth. We are often attached to possessions, pleasure, and power. Jesus was tempted by Satan after 40 days in the desert with the very same things. But Jesus was not attached to these things. His focus was on doing the will of God. He came to earth with a purpose.
The Staple
He next removed the staple and told us that this tea bag was pierced and has holes from a staple. Jesus was not pierced with a staple but with nails and a spear. His body was attached to a cross.
The Tea
Martijn now opened the tea bag and put the contents into some boiling water.... the team mad . ethe water change colour Tea looks like dirt. If you put it in water the water will be changed to the color of the tea. It will no longer be clear and pure.
We are all like this tea bag in that we are born with dirt in our lives. We are not pure. The Bible calls this dirt, this impurity, sin. We need help from God to remove the sin from our lives. That's exactly why Jesus came - to help us remove the sin from our lives. We must trust Jesus to remove the sin from our lives. When we ask him for forgiveness, he will make us clean and pure again.
Next Martijn opened the bag to make it into a long tube. When Jesus removes the sin from our lives we can stand pure in the sight of God. We will become a light for God. Philippians 2:15 says that among the perverse generation we will shine as lights in the world.
As you shine for Jesus you shall become closer to God in your Christian walk, and one day your soul shall join him for eternal life. Just as Christ was resurrected and went to be with the Father, we will also rise up to be with him. We will be exalted and raised with him.
Thanks for all the questions asked and if you have any more just ask us and don't forget you can pray to God to help you understand this and you can also read this easter story in the Bible.
We hope you all have a GREAT week and see you back again next week.
Luv your DropZone Leaders