Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Our Tongue

Our tongue is a funny thing, it's one of the smallest members of our body, and yet it is the one thing that is nearly impossible to train. Before we realise it, we use our tongue to blurt out hurtful comments, we spread gossip, we lie and plenty of other negative things. And this was our topic for this past Friday night at DropZone.

Together we looked at some of the negative things that we say to each, and then discussed how we can use our tongue positively. Because although we can use the tongue in such negative ways, our tongue is usually used to build very positive things too. If we had no tongue we would not ever be able to tell our family that we love them, we would never be able to cheer up a friend when they are feeling down, we would never be able to share our good news.

The ability to talk with our tongue is a beautiful gift from God, and it is something that with His help we can work on taming. So the challenge for us all throughout the week is to consciously say something positive to someone every day ..... :)

And of course alongside our learning we also had a lot of fun. To help us remember the topic of the night most of our games had something to do with our tongue. Here's some pictures .......

Who would have thought ping pong balls were so hard to blow across the hall??

Who can walk the fastest with a balloon between the knees?

Using our tongue for one of it's best purposes ... eating jelly and cream!!

What's in the box??? What does it feel like?? Have a good feel around see if you can guess ....

.....eeeeewwwww .... it's an ox's tongue!!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Welcome to 2010

Welcome to another DropZone year!!!

DropZone started again this past Friday with a lot of fun!! It was great to see everyone again, and even better to have so much fun together.... :)

Here's some pictures of our evening ... every game was about sticky tape:

First was the three legged race .....

Can we make a pyramid using 10 rolls of tape that stands up for 15 min.

Who can balance the rolls of tape on the top of their head?

In teams we had to try to stick our smallest member to the wall. The winning team was the person that stayed on the wall the longest after the chair was taken away.

Thanks for such a fun night. Us leaders are very excited about a new DropZone year and we hope you are too .... looking forward to seeing everyone again on Friday.

From your DropZone leaders