The last evening before the BIG DAY has finally arrived and there are lots of final preparations to make. But first we settled down to a game of silent noughts and crosses.

And then we got to work painting, decorating, dressing up, etc, etc ............

And when we were all tired out from painting, decorating, dressing up etc, etc, we sat down and listened to a story about gifts. First we all shared the most memorable gift that we had ever received. Richard then shared that one of his earliest, and favourite gifts that he had ever received was his teddy bear .......

Then to finish it all off, Richard pulled another gift out of his bag. It was in a beautiful purple box and looked just like a gift. He reminded us all that this Christmas we are all being offered this gift again. And we are all invited to take this gift personally ...... When he lifted up the lid, there lay a little doll, lying in straw and wrapped in cloth. This is a picture of the Lord Jesus when He was born here on this earth. He was born a little baby, He was laid in the feeding trough and He was wrapped in swaddling clothes (rags). And this little baby grew to be a man who was a great Teacher and He ended His life dying on the cross to pay for the sins that we do every day. This Christmas we are again reminded of this GREAT GIFT ....!!! :)
Love from Your DropZone leaders