The topic on Friday night was WHY GOD MADE US ?
Welcome to all of you who came.. good to see you. We have lots of girls come at the moment , where are you boys? Never mind we all had a good night together even though it was freezing cold outside. so we first started with some fun games, enjoyed by all.
Machines... acting out machines. the girls are getting ready to act out a Sewing Machine
Next for a bit of a fun we did the LIMBO ... and well done some of you girls were able to get down VERY low!


After a some time in our disussion groups ( where we talked about What is the point of our life? why are we here on this earth? ....we hope you think about it..)
Next was the choco bar game where we had to guess what the wizzed up chocolate bars were?? Yum yum.

and for the last game of the night was the Dog Biscuit Relay . What a laugh to see you all down on the ground like doggies!

can you pas the biscuit???

Then Martijn wrapped up the evening by sharing some thoughts about WHY GOD MADE U? We heard last week about all the things God made. He made animals, plants and people. When he made Adam, the first human being, he told him that he was in charge of the animals. This meant that he had to look after the world. He could use the animals for his work, his food and to use their fur for clothes but he had to care for them too. He also had to use the resources of the earth wisely. Pollution is now a problem in many countries because people did not look after the earth properly. So one of the reasons that God made us was to look after the earth.
The other reason God made us was to honour him. This is the most important purpose of our life. To honour God means to respect him. It means to take God into consideration with everything we do. We honour God by using the abilities He gave us in the best possible way that God would say is good. We also honour God by using our time in doing things that God wants us to do and not in things that God doesn’t want us to do, what he calls sin. Basically it means that God is to be a complete part of our life. That God is the most important in your life, this is the main purpose of our life, To do what God wants us to do and not necessarily what we want to do.
and don't forget the NO POWER .... a toast is of no point with out power and does not do any thing with out bread...
We are the same as a toaster... we need bread ( the BIBLE>>> Bread of Life) and power from God to be able to live in this world.
Think about it and remember you can pray to God to help you understand these things.
Have a good week and hope to see you all this week to learn more about God and his Bible.
with Love,
Your DropZone Leaders