Monday, August 31, 2009

Noah's Ark

Welcome on board' Noah's Ark' tonight!... and what a GREAT night we had too!!!! .... While getting on board we meet our other animal pair for the night as every one went on the ark ' two by two' . You sounded just great as you tried to find your partner. what a laugh.

Next was for a game of swaping chairs before Noah got your chair. What a lot of fun especially when there was a FLOOD!

The evening was filled with lots of fun games... and as you can see on the photos every one enjoyed them selves greatly and every one also worked really well as a team and some teams gained lots of extra points for excellent team work. Keep it up !

Moneky bowling, pinning the tail on Mr Hippo and feeding the Lion were also part of the evening...

Once all the games on the program had been done we sat down to rest and listen to Martijn share the true story about Noah's Ark and the World Wide Flood.
if you want to learn more about this why not get out a Bible and read the story for your self in Genesis 6 & 7.
there is also lots of information about this on the internet... check out ..
Thanks you for the great team work :)
and lastly it was Feeding Time... yum yum..

have a good week and see you back next week ..
Love Your DropZone Leaders

Fun Night

We've had quite a full term so this week your DZ leaders chose to have a fun night. So after the teams were decided for the evening we had a fun evening of competition.

Egg Nest
(here we had to steal the other team's eggs at the same time as protecting our eggs -- the team with the most eggs at the end was the winner.

The Big Sqeeze
(This time we had to squeeze ourselves into the shape that the leader called out ..e.g., dog, shape of NZ)

Criss Cross
(A relay race with a difference)

Musical Chairs with a twist
(Just like the normal musical chairs, but this time there are two less chairs and there is a way to save yourself from getting out)

Newspaper Scavenger Hunt
(Which team can find each item in their newspaper first?)

We ended the evening with yummy prizes for the winning team. Karin also told a story about a young man who lived many years ago. He had made lots of bad choices in his life, but in the end he straightened himself out because he developed a relationship with God. This was the answer to his mother's prayer, who had been praying for him for years and years. God really does hear and answer prayers.

Remember your DropZone leaders talk to God about you, we especially ask God that He will show you who He is and that you will come to love Him. But we also love to pray for your personal needs, so if you ever want us to pray for anything with or for you, come and talk to us!!

your DropZone leaders.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Fall

Why are there so many bad things happening in the world? Why do we find it easier to do wrong than good. This is what we talked about in this topic.
First we played some games:



The Big Bad Wolf

Monday, August 10, 2009

Why God made YOU and ME ...

The topic on Friday night was WHY GOD MADE US ?

Welcome to all of you who came.. good to see you. We have lots of girls come at the moment , where are you boys? Never mind we all had a good night together even though it was freezing cold outside. so we first started with some fun games, enjoyed by all.

Machines... acting out machines. the girls are getting ready to act out a Sewing Machine
Next for a bit of a fun we did the LIMBO ... and well done some of you girls were able to get down VERY low!


After a some time in our disussion groups ( where we talked about What is the point of our life? why are we here on this earth? ....we hope you think about it..)
Next was the choco bar game where we had to guess what the wizzed up chocolate bars were?? Yum yum.

and for the last game of the night was the Dog Biscuit Relay . What a laugh to see you all down on the ground like doggies!

can you pas the biscuit???

Then Martijn wrapped up the evening by sharing some thoughts about WHY GOD MADE U? We heard last week about all the things God made. He made animals, plants and people. When he made Adam, the first human being, he told him that he was in charge of the animals. This meant that he had to look after the world. He could use the animals for his work, his food and to use their fur for clothes but he had to care for them too. He also had to use the resources of the earth wisely. Pollution is now a problem in many countries because people did not look after the earth properly. So one of the reasons that God made us was to look after the earth.
The other reason God made us was to honour him. This is the most important purpose of our life. To honour God means to respect him. It means to take God into consideration with everything we do. We honour God by using the abilities He gave us in the best possible way that God would say is good. We also honour God by using our time in doing things that God wants us to do and not in things that God doesn’t want us to do, what he calls sin. Basically it means that God is to be a complete part of our life. That God is the most important in your life, this is the main purpose of our life, To do what God wants us to do and not necessarily what we want to do.

and don't forget the NO POWER .... a toast is of no point with out power and does not do any thing with out bread...
We are the same as a toaster... we need bread ( the BIBLE>>> Bread of Life) and power from God to be able to live in this world.
Think about it and remember you can pray to God to help you understand these things.
Have a good week and hope to see you all this week to learn more about God and his Bible.
with Love,
Your DropZone Leaders

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


We had a great night on Friday night. Thanks to all of you for coming along ... :)

Tonight's theme was about creation. How did the world get here? Who made it? etc?

First we played a few games ...

Playdough Creations.
(In pairs we had to make certain animals in 30 seconds.)

Sit down if .....
(Some of us had some embarrassing confessions to make here .... who hasn't has a shower all week? who has never worn the same socks two days in a row? etc ...)

(This time we got a few items and we had to make a bridge that could hold a choc bar. If the bridge held it up we were allowed to share the choc bar!)

We now had a short break from the games and got together in our groups to discuss the order that God created the world. This is what we learned.

God created the world in 6 days. And this is what He made on each day:

Day One: God made light
Day Two: He separated the water and the dry land
Day Three: God made the vegetation (trees, plants, etc)
Day Four: God made the sun, moon and stars.

Day Five: God made the fish and the birds
Day Six: God made animals and God made the first man.

On Day Seven God rested. Not because He was tired, but because everything He had made was very good and He was finished. By resting on the seventh day God made this day special. That's why on Sunday we like to also rest from our work and dedicate the day to God.

(for this game we all got to pull a pantyhose over our head. We had to helicopt
er this around trying to catch other's helicopters. )

We finished the evening with watching a short video clip about the six days of creation.

Thanks everyone for such a fun evening!!!

See you all again this week Friday.

Love from your
DropZone leaders.