Monday, June 15, 2009


ON Friday Night we have our first DZ outing and that was our POOL NIGHT!! Thanks to all of you who came along and thanks to the leaders for the great support and help, we all had a GREAT night with lots of wet and wild fun!! Thanks all...

here are some photos...
we got to the pools at 7 and stayed till 8:30 we then headed off for ice-cream before going home after a fun night..

thanks for all the FUN and have a GREAT week..
Luv your DropZone Leaders

Monday, June 8, 2009

Eye to Eye

This past Friday night we learnt how to see 'eye to eye' with the rest of our family. The leaders showed a quick role play where Martijn was watching TV instead of doing his homework, and his brother (Wayne) was being a pain to him. It all ended with a yelling match between Mum and the two brothers. I think most of us can say that that type of scene happens at home. So we talked about ways that we can avoid these yelling matches.

This is what was suggested:

G --- Go into the same room as the person you are talking to.

E --- Make eye contact with the person that you are talking to.

L --- Listen to what the other person is saying, not only yelling out what you are trying to say.

L --- Leave alone a conversation that is none of your business.

So this week at home remember your GELL!!! :)

Here's some photos of some of fun that we had:

Who Am I? I've got a name on my back but Who Am I?

Can we drop the tennis ball into the jar, without using our hands?

Bubble Gum Blowing Contest ... who can get it as big as a tennis ball ... or bigger??

Group Time .... talking about put downs and lift ups

Peg and Coin Relay Race, what team can get the coin to the end of the line the fastest, only using pegs???

Scavenger Hunt .... the first team to have the complete list in the plastic bag.

And our final wrap up talk.

Thanks for a great night everyone. And remember next week is the POOL NIGHT!!! We'll see you all the DropZone at 6.30!!!!

We'll see you all then

Luv from
your DropZone leaders

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Is my brother/sister a potato head?

The keywords in the title of this evening were brother/sister and potato. Brother/sister, because the topic focuses on the relationship and avoiding conflicts in the family, mainly with your brother(s) or sister(s). Potato, because nearly all games had potatoes in them.
The first game was the potato push, where you had to push a potato with your nose or forehead to the other side of the hall while doing a wheelbarrow race.

After that we did a game called 'HOT POTATO' which is pass the parcel with three potatoes. It is always a thrilling moment to reveal who gets the chocolate bar, who gets the chippies and who gets the cold potato mash...

We also did a competition like on the golden shears: the speed peel. No shearing , but peeling. on your marks, competitors ready, go!

Here the champion is peeling his potato!

We talked about how to avoid conflicts and how to resolve conflicts in a simple, quick manner, CLAP.

C stands for Calm down, when you calm down, half the conflict is resolved, because you are more eager to
L, Listen to each other and talk about the issue.
A stands for Answer back to the explanation given by the other and
P, Propose a solution, Please.

We did a little role play, where the CLAP way was used, and the conflict avoided.

After a short game of dodgeball we grabbed the potatoes and the peelers again and started to sculpture each others heads in the potatoes, making potato heads. Most looked really good!

The potatoes were cut into chippies and deepfried as supper, Yummy!

How to Train your Parents

What you do is more important than what you say, because people will usually remember and copy what you do and forget or ignore what you say. Remember the saying.... Do to others as you want done to you.... Would you like to be treated by your parents the way you treat them? Still often we're not happy with the way our parents treat us.... Here's some ideas on what to do about that.

Well if we think our parents are too grumpy, instead of yelling and answering them back, we could show them how we would like to be treated by always talking to them really nicely. We could try not to answer back angrily and could be as co-operative as we can. When you make a real effort to do these things, you will see them change in the way they talk to you." "What about if they're always complaining that you're lazy or you don't do enough around the house? If you do the following, we guarantee you can change that attitude. This week, think of a job that you normally get asked to do, but do it before they ask, and do it better than normal! Then, as soon as it is done, go and ask each parent, if there is anything else they would like you to do. We guarantee that if you do this for a whole week, your parents attitude towards you will change and you might even change a nagging parent into one who gives you a lot of praise within a week! Of course the first time you do it, you have the added excitement of watching their jaw drop, the colour drain from their faces and possibly even having them faint on the floor in front of you! There will be some of you who don't feel that your parents show you enough love or affection. If you want to change that, you can do a lot to help. Surprise them by writing them a little note saying all the things you like about them or what you appreciate about them. You'll be amazed at what an effect this will have on parents who haven't heard anything but complaints from you for years!"
Here's some photo's of the night:
Broom Twist Relay

Crazy Push-ups

Enjoing Supper