Monday, May 25, 2009

World Vision Night 09

Tonight we’re setting off on a journey to Indonesia – the country with the fourth highest population in the world. We will be visiting a nation that’s made up on more than 17,000 islands, where almost two in three children live in poverty on less that $2 a day!!
Morning has arrived on this early spring day in Indonesia. But this is not ordinary day. Today is the day the rain finally stopped falling.
It started with a few raindrops. Then, it really started coming down. The heavy rains were relentless, causing riverbanks to swell, then overflow, covering an entire city with a river of mud. Hundreds of people have been hurt or killed. More than 500,000 people have been forced from their homes. Separated from their parents in the chaos, children are suddenly left to fend for themselves. In a city that’s become a wasteland, they are alone and afraid.
Finally, the rains let up. The skies begin to clear. But the devastation continues even after the floodwaters recede. The water that remains is toxic, polluted by garbage and sewage. Hospital beds continue to fill as more and more children and their families become sick from illnesses brought on by contaminated water.
The flood may be over, but for children already living in poverty, this is just the beginning of a long road to recovery. How will their families rebuild their homes, their schools, or their lives? Will their communities ever be the same again? These children need your help to find hope after the flood. It’s time to get to work!!
Our Tribes and their disabilites...

Every one is getting set up for the night ... getting into Tribes and making sure they fit their characters description and disabiltiy eg.... broken leg, blind in one eye, carrying a heavy load on their back...

During our time in Indonesia we experience what people there have for ' clean' drinking water.... wash your clothes, wash your feet , then walk back to your house, clean with it, cook with it and also drink it...

What blessed are we to be able to turn on the tap and out comes clean water all the time!!! Count your many blessing which God gives us each day !

Who got Malaria????
and next was building ourselves a shelter....

And who can get over the Electric Fence???

We learnt alot tonight about other people in this world who are not as blessed as we are ... we should be so thankful to God each day for what HE gives us here in N.Z.

Thanks for the great night ... and well done for being brave and coming out on such a cold, wet and wild night.

Hope to see you all again next week and it is back to our FAMILY THEME then.... HOW TO TRAIN YOUR PARENTS>.. sounds like fun!! :)

Have a good weeek

Luv , Your DZ Leaders
Don't forget about the POOOOOOOLLLL NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :)

Monday, May 18, 2009

Parent's Night

On Friday we had our annual PARENT'S EVENING. We were a bit dissapointed that we did not have any parents come along to join in the fun, but we had a great night anyway.

Here's some of the fun that we had:




Half way through the evening we split into small groups for an interesting discussion. Some of the questions that we discussed were:

* in what ways to kids bug their parents?
* How do parents bug their kids?
* What can kids do to be better kids?
* What can parents do to be better parents?
* Give advice on how to be better parents.

It would have been great to discuss these things with both parents and the youth, but we had interesting discussion anyway. And at the conclusion of the evening we talked about the time we spend together as a family. Whether we are kids or parents time together is one of the most important things we need to do to grow in our relationship.

We'll be looking forward to seeing you all again this Friday.

Love from your DZ leaders

P.S Congratulations to the two of you who remembered their memory verse from last week.... WELL DONE!!

P.S.S. Well done also to those of you who remembered to take along their permission slips for the pool night. Hope we get even more this Friday!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Parent Trap

Last Friday night we talked about our relationship with our parents. Our parents will stay our parents for our whole life, they are part of who we are. When you are a teenager it’s a great time to start building an adult relationship with your parents. Remember the bible verse that we’ve talked about: Honour your father and your mother, so that you may life long in the land that God is giving you. Always show your parents respect.

Some of the games that we played are:

Balloon Shave

Banana Surgery

(example of destroying a relationship and trying to fix it again)

Crazy Volley Ball

Monday, May 4, 2009


Welcome to TERM TWO @ DZ.. and it was great to see all of you who braved the cold on Fridaynight and came down to be with us .. thanks . We had a FUN night together , and our topic for the night was Conflict in the Home, really in intro to our theme for the term which is FamilyLIfe.

OH what fun that was.!!! :) after this we settled down into our two teams again and together with the leaders and talked about our family... positive and negative things and what we could do to change the negative thing about our families. Some really good ideas... thanks .
Next was the Family confusion game where you had to listen to the story and stand up and sit down when you heard the name of the person who you were. a laugh to watch!! :)
Then Martijn wrapped up our thoughts with a few words about Family life and he asked a good question..
If I talked to my freinds the same way I talk to my family and treat them, HOW many freinds would I keep ???????? think about that one....
Some times we have hard times in our family life , which is not always easy but remember you can always talk ( pray) to God to ask Him to help you and comfort you.
thanks for the great night and hope to see you all back next week... the Parent Trap !!
Luv your DZ Leaders