Monday, March 30, 2009


Hi Everyone!
Last Friday night we had a night all about compliments. This program showed the importance of using compliments as tools to build and maintain the relationship with your friends and how Jesus used compliments.

We learnt a handy tool with which to remember how to give compliments:
Brief (keep it brief)
Real (keep it real)
Often (do it often

We also learnt about a compliment that Jesus gave to one of his friends, Peter. When Jesus asked the question to his disciples "Who do you think I am?" Peter answered by saying, "You are the Christ, the son of the living God." Jesus called Peter blessed for knowing that He was God and also pointed out that Peter had only found that out through the relationship he had with Jesus - God. This friend had learnt this most important truth through his relationship with Jesus. Jesus also invites you to have that relationship with him. Its important to find out about that before you die.
During the program we played a few games:
Mega-bucks Mixer

Elbow to Nose

Balloon Relay

Paper War

Dodge Ball

Monday, March 16, 2009


hi Every one,
sorry to say but there is
NO DROPZONE this week.. ( 20 march)

See you again on the 27 March for... YO BRO
@ 7:07 pm

have a great week

How to make Freinds

OnFriday night we talked all about HOW TO MAKE FREINDS!!, so by the end of the night we were all a great bunch of freinds :)
. and some of us really were sniffing around the place !!! that is cause we learnt a new word -



as a great way to get to know some one new and make a new freinds. Well done to those girls who did some neat role plays... but is that really how you would meet some one new?? a lot easier to do with people who are already freinds...

We had some super fun games...... Lolly trade where we were all given 10 jelly beans and we had to try and get 10 of the same colour. but well done to those of you who got 10!!! or 11 ... how does that work???

also played the Days of the week, and string lenght finder and Find some one who...

and not to forget the talk about having JESUS as a special freind. Martijn told us a story about how Jesus made freinds with the Samaritan Women, as she was at the well getting water and Jesus had a common interest with her as they were both looking for water, but Jesus was talking about living water which is eternal life with out an end, which we must all seek for. would you also like to become freinds with Jesus???

don't forget to use SNIF when you are some where new and trying to make new freinds. And don't forget to bring your new freinds along to Drop Zone.


Luv ,
Your DropZone Leaders

Monday, March 9, 2009


This past Friday we started a series of evenings about Friends. Friends are such an important part of our life. Most of take our friends for granted, and tend to forget all about those that don't have friends. So this little series is going to try and help you to be good friends, and to keep friends, and make friends.

So this week, we talked about what makes a good friend. We talked about friends being: honest, trustworthy, good looking, respectful, encouraging, listening etc, etc. After a quick auction you all put the most money on a trustworthy friend.

After playing some fun games where we had to trust each other, and help each other (like good friends do) we had small discussion groups. And then Wayne ended the evening with sharing that God cares about us and our friends too, we know that God cares because in His Bible He writes a lot about friends. And God also tells us who our Best Friend should be, and that is Jesus Christ. Every day of our life Jesus is willing to be our Friend, and Jesus is the type of Friend that never backstabs, never tells a lie, is always encouraging, is always there to listen, and is completely trustworthy.

If you want to learn more about this God who wants to be your friend talk to one of the leaders. We love talking to you about God and His Son Jesus. Or if it's easier for you pop us an email:

Love from your
DropZone leaders

P.S Here's some photos showing the fun that we had on Friday night

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Record Wreckers

The aim of this night was to break or set some new records. Well the very first one we broke was the number of you youth coming! The most we've had this year. Great turn out!!

Pushing the car with Wayne in it was a lot of fun. Everyone really got into it! Great work.

In the malteser blow someone even managed to break the Guiness World Record record. Wow!!!
We wrapped up the night with the thought: Where would you rather have your name, in the Guiness World Record book or in the Book of Life? With your name in the Guiness World Record book you might be famous for a few years or your lifetime, maybe another 60 or 70 years, but with your name in the Book of Life you will be happy for the whole of the afterlife, which is forever......
Hoop Tumble, use up some extra energy.....

How many people can we fit into the back of this car? Only ten???

The winning teams push, Go Go Go

Human Wheelbarrows was a laugh....