Monday, April 21, 2008


2nd May
Board Games Night
All Youth Welcome
7:07pm till 9pm

Snorting, Sniffing, Sloshing

Last Friday Night of Term One we had the topic of Snorting, Sniffing, Sloshing. Drugs. We hope you all made up your mind what to do when/if you get pressured to try out Drugs. Say no to bad Peer Pressure!!
We played a lot of fun games. We didn't have to spend much time explaining the games because most of the time you listened really well. More time to play games that way!!
Some of you were looking very pale after playing the Flour Tower. Enjoy the chocolate?
The peer pressure game went great. He found the Chrunchie Bar while being influenced by good peer pressure and ignored the group that were telling him to go for the empty Tui bottle.
Tug-of-War must have been the favourite game for most of you. Girls make sure there is more of you next time so you can beat the boys!!!
We all had a great night because you were a great group. Keep up the listening!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

How to Say NO!

Last week we looked at what peer pressure was all about. This week, after the leaders did a role play, we decided that peer pressure can sometimes be good, ie., when our friends convince us to do good things. But the bad peer pressure is when our friends convince us to do something we know is wrong. Some of us find it really hard to say NO to our friends, so we practiced saying NO.

Making our 'cool' box cars in our groups (take note of our neat arm bands - this group was 'orange'.

Here are the 10 ways that we thought were good ways to say NO:

No - it’s not my style.

No – my parents would kill me.

No – I don’t feel like doing that.

No – I don’t want to!

No – I have to get home, I’m late already

No – That is bad for me

No – its my choice, my life?

No – I don’t feel comfortable with doing that

No – I’d rather we do something else

No – not right now, maybe another time

No – I’ve got better things to do

No – you shouldn’t do that either

No – that is illegal

How fast can we blow up the balloons and pop them??

So remember to not be a marshmallow and let your friends and others to push and shove into a shape that you don’t want to be. If you don’t want to do something don’t do. Stick up for what you know is right!!!!

Not sure what's happening here - but hey, that's what DZ is all about - letting our hair down and having fun, even if this means doing crazy things in the games.

.... having some more fun, along with cooperating together!!

Monday, April 7, 2008

Under Attack - Peer Pressure I

Friday night at DZ was a great and FUN night so thanks to those of you who turned up, it was great to see you and have lots of fun with you. Welcome to our new freinds.

Well the theme of the night was called Under Attack and we soon discovered that it was actually all about peer pressure. We learn what it is and had a discussion about what would be good peer pressure and what was bad peer pressure. Many of you shared different situations which you had been in where you chose to say no to the pressure from your freinds. Well Done.

Played some fun games ... check out the photos ... :) they say more than words about how much fun we had.

We also did some role plays which were just great... you guys all did so well, great acting! :) We sure will have to do more of them in the future because that was neat fun.

Check out the COOL arm bands... they are so we know who is on who's team.

Hope you all have a GREAT week at school and college and don't forget it is o.k to say NO to peer pressure you get from your 'freinds'. Make wise decisions and have fun.

See you all next week for another fun and interesting night about peer pressure.

luv from your DropZone Leaders