Well, if you went to the A&P show last friday night, you missed out on the fun at dropzone. The theme of the night was "Why did God make us?"
Check out these photos of some of the games...
Sure you can run faster than that!
And we had the balloon knee squeeze
Squeeze the balloon and jump!
No cheating Thomas...
And a game with prizes to be won, well that really got you guys going...There were prizes for the tallest newspaper person
The most original newspaper person
And the most lively newspaper person
The boys also tried to win for the tallest newspaper person by extending Michell's newspaper suit......Two feet short on the winning girls team boys, good try!!
Of course you guys loved the last game most: chocolate bar chop-up... each team got 6 cups with different chocolate bars in it.. that have gone through a blender... and have to guess which chocolate bars are in which cups... Yummy!
DJ said that he could not taste it properly, so he needed to taste again, Yeah right...
There was a really good discussion on "why do we exist?"
You got the answer in the wrap up at the end... Men's chief end is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever. This means the we are made to honour God. Everything that is not to Gods honour, is SIN. Sin is the same as a crime to God. We concluded that we are all sinners, because we fail to fulfill our purpose in life.
We also thought about how we CAN fulfill the purpose of our life. Just as with toasters, they might all be different, they have the same purpose: to make toast. However, a toaster cannot make toast without bread and power.
The same counts in our life. We need the bible (the bread of life), which tells us how to live to Gods honour. We also need power and strength from God to keep sharp on living to Gods honour.
Coming friday night we talk about where sin actually comes from... in ...
..."The Fall"...
Don't forget coming wednesday night: the wacky toilet night, we are starting at 7:07 sharp
See you there!
Love from your Dropzone leaders!